JUNE 11, 2011 SMCT Annual Meeting & Celebration
Woody Lowden Center
Present: Bob Hollis, Carol Mauro, Laurie Murphy, Zach & Jake Farnum, Eric, Liz, Audrey, Evelyn & Emily Dubois, Chris, Pam & Zach Morelli, Ann Valentine, Leslie & Emily Carter, AnaCapri Mauro, Chase Lurgio, Preston, Ladelle, Mary & Tristan Arnold, Dennis, Mary Jo, Emily & Michelle Chretien, Jonathan & Mark Safford, Sandy, Heather & Julia Arnold, Laura & Isabella Giorgianni, Marilyn & Ken Wilbur, Janice Dionne, Artie Robillard, Jayne, Chris, Ruth, Sarah, Alice & Hazel Lear, Melodie & Elijah Fontenault, Mary Jehu. If I missed anyone, I apologize.
Opened with everyone sharing something they enjoyed this year.
Congratulations to Meryn Flynn for being our first Motif Magazine Theater Award winner for her role in Footloose this Spring. Discussed having SMCT awards, but haven’t figured out how to offer them without hurting the feelings of anyone who doesn’t get one. Bob H. stated that if there was a Founders Award it would go to someone who helped SMCT move forward the most in a year & he would give it to Carol Mauro this year for everything she’s done as she steps done as our Financial Director.
Financial Report for Fiscal Year 6/1/2010 – May 31, 2011 submitted. Highlights included $1690 from Workshop income, Karaoke brought in $595, but it is felt that more advertising might help it raise more money & proposed that it might earn $900 for next fiscal year. Line of Credit (LOC) established with a secured loan of $6500 & we still owe $1000. Technology/Capital Improvements totaled $13,952 spread out over production & administration budgets. Included 4 Two-way Headsets with base station, 4 floor mic’s, new lights & speakers, speaker stands, heavy load extension cords, auction items, & 5 new wireless mic’s with 4 receivers. For the future these costs will go under the Admin budget. Production budgets will have a small tech operating budget for ancillary needs.
We may want to look into alternative investment for the Savings acct. Currently get .05% interest rate on savings. CIPS was paid $1304 for their cut of our admissions (except for Footloose which wasn’t held at the Paine School). The donation bridge brought in $732 for 3 shows. Need to discuss using donations vs. raising ticket prices to cover this cost, although, increasing ticket cost will also increase amount paid to the school. Complete Financial Reports can be requested from Board members. mms to accept budget report.
Reorganization & Nominations:
Cassi Ducharme headed the effort to help clarify who to go to & what steps to take if you need to contact someone in the SMCT family. Should be three clear contacts to start; 1) External concerns should go through the President (Executive Director). 2) Internal concerns should go through the Vice President (Asst Executive Director). 3) Concerns about SMCT activities should go through the Creative Director. SMCT’s Board consists of 13 members grouped into 4 Officers (President, Vice President, Financial Director & Secretary) & 9 Directors (Creative Director, Director of Public Relations, Dir. of Facilities, Dir. of Membership, 3 Asst. Creative Directors (Events, Productions, & Education) & 2 At-Large Directors. Each meeting will need 2/3’s of the Board present to have a Quorum in the event of a vote. mms to accept reorg structure.
Several resignations of Board members were announced & new members voted on:
New Board:
Executive Director – Bob Hollis
Asst Executive Director – Open
Creative Director – Liz Dubois
Director of Finance – Laura Giorgianni
Director of Public Relations – Eric Dubois
Director of Facilities – Steve Carter
Director of Membership – Zach Farnum
Director of Communication – Kaila Rubin
Assistant Creative Director of Productions- Chris Brostrup-Jensen
Asst Creative Director of Events – Laurie Murphy
Asst Creative Director of Education – Andy Affleck
Director at Large – Art Robillard
Director at Large – Melodie Fontenault
Congratulations to the new Board members. Janice Dionne has volunteered to be the Corresponding Secretary.
Facility Report –
Paine School – don’t know if we’ll go back or not
Coventry Senior Center – they mostly want us which is nice
Route 6 – stalled. Bob needs more $
Chopmist Hill – looking into it.
Things Made Wonderful – ?
2011-12 Season
Summer 2011
Mr. Toad will take place at Coventry Senior Center with 2 casts. Performances on Aug. 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21st.
Fall 2011
Dinner Theater; Frankenstein Slept Here Sept. 24 & 25
Romeo & Juliet Nov. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, & 20
Get Merry! The Royal Wedding. Dec. 8, 9, 10, & 11
Winter 2011
Dinner Theater; Mark Twain Feb. 11, 12
Spring 2012
The Canterbury Tales Late April, early May?
Dinner Theater; Knock ’em Dead June?
Zach Farnum would like to do a Patsy Cline Dinner Theater before he goes to college & would prefer a June slot. Because this is a musical, it could be costly for the rights.
Season Sponsorships & Sales
Need to ID Corporations, Businesses, Individuals. Need to Solicit donations/support. Team includes Marilyn Wilbur, Gary Pickard, Judy & Stacey Swift, but more people are needed.
Box Office System
Need a phone system that isn’t Bob & Carol’s home. SMCT needs a volunteer to Coordinate this, & a system that can be individualized for different events needs to be chosen & set-up. SOON. Can be a different individual who takes on the Box Office duties for each activity, but an overall Coordinator needs to track things.
Recruitment & Participation
Need Asst Exec Director
Need Box Office Coordinator & Reps for each Production
Need Sales & Cooperate Sponsorship Coordinator & Team members
Need Fund-raising Coordinator & Team (6 or more people)
Need Events/Entertainment Team
Need Store & Merchandising Manager
Need Newsletter/Brochure Editor