Pick out your song, warm up your voice, and come on down to the Foster Idol auditions!
Foster Idol is a competition takes place at the Old Home Days in Foster at the end of July.
Auditions are held Friday, July 13, from 6-9, and Saturday, July 14, from 4-8, at the Foster Town House, 181 Howard Hill Road in Foster.
Junior Idol is open to anyone under 16. Foster Idol is open to contestants of any age who want to compete. For auditions you need to sing one song (a capella, with your own accompaniment, or with a karaoke CD). Should you get chosen to perform in Foster Idol, you will be asked to have three songs ready. Questions? call SMCT at 1-888-493-7110.
Just asking, when you audition and you get accepted into Foster Idol, do you have to sing three songs on the same day?
Please respond
Thanks for reading
No, the competition is held over 3 days, but today is the last day to audition so hurry down to the Foster Town Meeting House (4-8 PM)!