Cast of Characters for Olivia
Olivia: Abby Dexter
Mrs.Murdstone: Chase Lurgio
Eliza Doolittle: Emily Carter
Annie: Seanna Fessenden
Queenie: Lauren Bretanna
Doris: Isabella Gorgianni
Flo: Katie Fiddler
Mrs.Dilber: Katelyn Fessenden
Mrs Hudson: Erica Greenwood
Daughter: Michelle Chretien
Ebenezer Scrooge: Emily Dubois
George Bernard Shaw: Sarah Bucknam
Fagin: Nigil Richards
Fagin’ Gang, Oliver Twist: Sarah Johnston,
Bob: Julia Ellis, Walter: Joe Milla, Little Jim: Anna Milia,
Tiny Tim: Ben Cerullo.
The Artful Dodger: Devli Cook-Hines
Lamplighter: Alex Cerullo
Sherlock Holmes: Brin Wolf-Jenson
Doctor Watson: Audrey Dubois
The Judge: Tyler Vigeant
The Usher: Rebecca Green
The Constable: Jake Farnum
Criminal: Hanna Gibb
Gentlemen: Jack Afleck
1 – Ruth Lear 2- Emily Duquette
3 – Anna Hughes 4- Zachariah Fessenden
5- Britany Fessenden 6- Anthony Piccolo
7- Shannon Simineau 8- Sarah Lear
9- Amelia Dexter 10- Micheal Resnick
Jessamine Phillips – Saria Resnick
Molly Rush – Jack Afleck
Tess Safford – Isabella Duquette
Charlotte: Jill Cerulo – Emily: Maddie Shea
Belle: Emily Chretien – Little Dorrit: Harris Cook-Hines
Derbhile (Dervla): Jesssamine Phllips
Director: Rosemary Paolucci, Co Drecting Team: Chris Brostruo-Jenson, Zach Farnum, Julia Arnold, Amy Hollis, AnaCapri Mauro Sandy Arnold, Mariah Harrington, Zack Gibb.
Producer: Laura Gorgianni
Aug 18 – 12:30 pm, Aug 19, 20, – 7 pm, Captain Issac Pane School
Aug 22 – 2pm Foster Fair Grounds ( if rain perfomance at the school)
Is this play about Olivia the pig?
Nope! This is the female version of “Oliver Twist.”
What types of voices do the singing characters have? (Ex: Tenor, Bass, ect.)