The following text are the minutes from the SMCT Board Meeting held at the Annual Celebration on June 9, 2015. Click the link below for a downloadable PDF version.
SMCT Annual Meeting Minutes (public)
SMCT Annual Meeting Minutes
9 June 2015 6:00pm, Woody Lowden Recreation Center, Foster RI
Members Present (voting members in bold): Heather Christie, Dennis Chretien, Bob Hollis, Andy Affleck, Laura Giorgianni, Kaila Rubin, Artie Robillard, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Leslie Carter, Steve Carter, Carol Mauro, Emily Chretien, Michelle Chretien, Shane Inman, Gabbi Dworkin, Nikki Boss, Maia Grandy, Mike Grandy, Jonathan Safford, Sharon Safford, Rachel Stevens, Donna Nichols, Laurie Murphy, Nancy Wolf-Jensen
- Dennis wants to say thank you – we had a great season! Annie took off, Xmas Story and Our Town did great, in terms of quality of what we put out, we’re getting better, and it says a lot for everyone involved. Lots of work, but we’ve got some new people – need to get everyone working and helping out.
- Events
- Thank you to Robyn Agrela for organizing Foster Follies!
- The Board has decided not to do Karaoke this year, as it tends to lose money and we haven’t had much interest lately.
- Events for next year aren’t planned out quite yet, especially since this position is up for election.
- SMCT will have a slot at Trinity Rep’s Season Kick-Off party in August! We’re currently putting together our program for that, but need details from Trinity before we can go much further.
- Productions
- This season will be:
- Summer – Tom Sawyer (5 performances, Andy Affleck directing)
- Fall – Christmas Carol (9 performances, Chris Brostrup-Jensen directing)
- Spring – M*A*S*H (6 performances, Andy Affleck directing)
- Dinner Theatre – TBA (2 performances, director TBA)
- We’ve had questions about submissions. They’re all online, but it seems the online system is possibly unclear. We will try putting a deadline for when the next season is being considered so that people submitting can know roughly when the show they suggest might happen.
- We’re debating changing the performance dates of M*A*S*H due to Mother’s Day, proms, and college graduations. We don’t want to go too far into April, because of school vacation. Andy will work through dates and get back to the board.
- This season will be:
- Publicity
- We’ve got good advertising in Foster, but continue to struggle further afield. We got wonderful coverage in Coventry for Little Shop, so we’re hoping to expand on that.
- Facilities/Tech
- We made some huge advancements this year with our new LEDs, new mics and sound equipment, and our new light board. A huge thank you to all involved with tech for researching, acquiring, and learning these new systems!
- Membership
- We would like to keep a tally on how many new people we add each year, just to see trends. Dennis and Heather will work on this and get it to Leslie soon.
- We’ve had a lot of people hearing about us through word of mouth, which is great!
- Internal organization
- We need to review and update our organizational structure. We also need to identify and define our roles, not just within the board, but within a production and also within SMCT as a whole. We have begun holding meetings about this, but we need to continue. We’ll figure this out at the next board meeting.
- Liz will hope to get an ethics committee together in the coming week so they can have some discussions before the summer show starts – she will send an email out soon.
- Election of Officers!
- We only had one nomination for each position:
- Assistant Executive Director – Kaila Rubin
- Communications Director – Shane Inman
- Public Relations Director – Eric Dubois
- Technical and Facilities Director – Andy Affleck
- Membership Director – Leslie Carter
- Assistant Finance Director of Funding – Meryn Flynn
- Assistant Creative Director of Events – Nikki Boss
- Assistant Creative Director of Productions – Liz Dubois
- Assistant Creative Director of Education – Bob Hollis
- Director At Large – Artie Robillard
- There was a motion to approve slate as presented, it was seconded, and all were in favor
- Rachel Stevens, Izzy Giorgianni, Maia Grandy are our 2015 – 2016 Youth Representatives to the board.
- We only had one nomination for each position:
- Our next meeting will be July 11th at 10:00am at the Benjamin Eddy building in Foster, RI.