April 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

The following text are the minutes from the SMCT Board Meeting on January 9th, 2016. Click the link below for a downloadable PDF version.

SMCT Board Meeting Minutes 16 April 2016 (public)


SMCT Board Meeting Minutes – April 2016

April 16th, 2016, 10:00am Benjamin Eddy Building, Foster, RI

Members present (voting members in bold): Dennis Chretien, Artie Robillard, Shane Inman, Laura Giorgianni, Leslie Carter, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Eric Dubois, Liz Dubois, Kaila Rubin

Meeting Begins – 10:05am

Executive Director

-Donation to charity designated by Tim Hillman’s family should be made by organization

-Amount could potentially set future precedent, should be carefully considered

-Something SMCT does could be dedicated to Tim Hillman

-i.e. rather than money being directly donated, said money could be allocated to a project or event

-Final decision will be deferred, pending further consideration

Motion to allocate money for donations in honor of members of SMCT who pass away (with amount to be determined based on current organizational financial status and closeness of member’s association with SMCT) – Seconded/Passed

-Production/youth protection guidelines

-Date should be added to production guidelines document so people can ensure they have the latest revision

-Minors who turn 18 during a show need to sign the production guidelines

-Policy sub-committee meetings

-Next meeting will be on membership coordination, will be scheduled in next few weeks

-Paine School and summer/Halloween show fees

-School committee minutes state that committee voted to reduce fees for Tom Sawyer to 5%, and waive fees for Halloween show

-Needs to be determined with certainty whether 5% fee will apply to future summer shows

-Unfortunate side-effect of lower percentage fee is that school may decide to reinstate usual flat-rate fees which are usually waived for SMCT

-Net result would likely still come out in favor of SMCT

-Further clarification needed on all sides of issue

-Annual meeting date should be set

-Will be held Saturday, June 18th at Woody Lowden, ~5:00-8:00pm

-More than just meeting should be offered

-Could potentially get a band involved



-Tents will need to be disassembled and bundled before being deposited in storage

-Warped, useless 2x4s will be destroyed or given to whoever wants them


-No new information, team meeting before rehearsal process begins may be unfeasible

-USO Show

-Music is a little behind, but rest of show is on track

-Artie is waiting on crew designations for Seussical to be finalized before making any definite judgments on his own crew

-Likely only show in right time-frame to be promoted at Trinity event

-Single number could be rehearsed and finalized in time to display

-Next season

-Rights for Carrie have been granted, will be performed Spring 2017

-Apocalypse Now will be performed Fall/Winter 2016

-James and the Giant Peach is main possibility for Summer 2017

-Rights will be applied for

-Tending to Grace being looked at for Fall/Winter 2017

-Several viable options being considered for Spring 2018

-Rock of Ages, Rumors, Odd Couple, Lost in Yonkers

-CAST skit competition is approaching, Bob is said to be working on it

Public Relations

-Someone should be designated to handle lending of set pieces, costumes, etc.


-Costume unit needs to be sorted and cleaned

-Should be set for sometime in May

-Lent items need to be tracked better, should be checked in and out to ensure nothing disappears

-This can be done with an iphone

-Trusted SMCT member should always be present when items are being withdrawn or returned

-Tech director board position should be expanded to encompass management and tracking of equipment retrieved from tech unit

Next meeting will be on May 14th at the Chretien’s House.

Meeting adjourned – 12:11pm