The following text are the minutes from the SMCT Board Meeting on March 12, 2016. Click the link below for a downloadable PDF version.
SMCT Board Meeting Minutes 12 March 2016 (public)
SMCT Board Meeting Minutes – March 2016
March 12th, 2016, 10:00am Benjamin Eddy Building, Foster, RI
Members present (voting members in bold): Dennis Chretien, Shane Inman, Eric Dubois, Artie Robillard, Bob Hollis, Kaila Rubin, Nikki Boss, Rachel Stevens
Meeting Begins – 10:06am
Executive Director
-Production Guidelines form has been rearranged in accordance with decisions made at previous board meeting
-Eric mentioned that requiring three separate pages of signatures may confuse people
-Dennis will include Youth Protection Guidelines with Production Guidelines so all signatures can be found on one page
-Date for next policy meeting must be set
-Further information is pending on negotiations with Paine School regarding summer and Halloween shows, Laura Giorgianni may have additional knowledge
-When lending props/sets, someone should be in charge of determining fee/donation request
-M*A*S*H is in very good shape, estimated to be roughly two weeks ahead of schedule
-Decision regarding backdrops must be made, Andy will be consulted
-Seussical auditions will be held May 31st and June 1st from 6-8pm, callbacks June 7th 6-9pm
-USO Show
-Music has been obtained
-Artie hopes to use a synthesizer for instrumental parts and have Izzi Giorgianni control the timing
-Cost of purchasing or renting synthesizer will have to be investigated
-Creative Studio
-Possible new talent has been contacted
-Bob requested some form of training in editing software, will likely have to wait until M*A*S*H has concluded
-Filming of current CAST production must be completed
-After-school programs have not gotten off the ground
-Follies are looking good, solid number of people have auditioned
-Raffle is still planned, but more involved events such as auction will be forgone
-Closing band will likely be cut
-Artie needs list of performers by Thursday the 17th
-No new information on Trinity event, deadline will have to be located
-Presence in Ancients and Horribles parade would be good, but Nikki will not be available
-Neither Bob nor Carol will be available for Foster Old Home Days
-Nikki will fill in as MC for Idol
-Someone is still needed to coordinate booth setup
Public Relations
-Communication regarding ads for M*A*S*H needs to be improved
-New website is working very well
-New mailing host has positives and negatives
-Mailing list limit can potentially be overcome with services such as Google Groups
-Asset library needs to be organized, but this is not an urgent concern
-Snapchat filter localized on Paine School could be easily created
-Waiting to hear back from Paine School regarding fire inspection
-Concerns over wiring remain unresolved but are likely unfounded
-List of storage items which are intended to be sold should be made up for placement in Foster Home Journal
-Test newsletters are not reaching new mailing list, problem will be investigated
Meeting adjourned – 11:39am