SMCT Minutes 9/25/2010


WELCOME (Thank you to Steve and Carol for their hospitality)

Attendees: Eric, Liz, Audrey, Evelyn & Emily Dubois, Russ & Cassi DuCharme, Andy Affleck, Artie Robillard, Steve & Emily Carter, Carol & AnaCapri Mauro, Bob & Amy Hollis, Kaila Rubin, Laurie Murphy, Sandy & Julia Arnold, Jake & Zach Farnum, Tyler Vigent, Steve & Carol Goulet, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Jake & Brian Wolf-Jensen & Merilyn Wilbur.  Introductions were shared. 

FOCUS – to communicate among Task Forces and Committees and to make appropriate decisions. Incubate new ideas.

MINUTES from AUGUST OFFICERS MEETING were reviewed.  Available on line.

SMCT – STRUCTURE   –   See Handout   –   looking for Directors of Education, Sales and Sponsorship,

Membership/Volunteers, and Grant Writing (See Bob if interested – until we get a Director of


TREASURER’S REPORT – available on request

WEB SITE PROTOCOL – For Input send to Andy, Artie, Kaila, Zach, or Bob

                                                ONLY ANDY WILL DELETE INFO

Need Website Box Office/ Paypal Manager – Eric D. & Andy A. have volunteered to research options & pricing between Paypal & Google.  $1 should cover our current costs & we would like to keep to a minimum charge as much as possible. 

– After 2 years of use the Website needs review.  Need to develop a Protocol for each event & come up with a standard definition for timing & other issues.  It is getting difficult to find info on the site & Andy has been helping people to connect.  Titles such as “SwampMeadow Presents” suggested.  Contact Ernie Young for graphics?  Search bar changes?  Eric & Andy will set a date/time for a meeting & invite others.

YOUTH REPS – SMCT was founded by a 15 year old & our aim is to continue to mentor theater opportunities for the younger crowd.  We did run up against requirements in RI that Board members be adults.  We are looking for Two Youth to serve as Youth Reps who will call meetings of a Youth Council and/or represent in meetings the needs, interests, opinions of SMCT Youth.  Anyone interested in serving should come with a statement of why their appointment would be good for the organization at this time.  Youth Rep’s should come to Officers & Board Meetings, and any others.

ELECTED WERE:  Julia Arnold & Jake Farnum

 Laurie is interested in mentoring.  Needs an assistant.  Volunteers included;  Andy A, Sandy A, & Merilyn W.

Healthy Protocol is to have no child alone with an adult & prefer to have one male & one female adult at each event/meeting.  They must be non-related.  Background Criminal Investigations (BCI’s) may be needed.  They are available for $5/person thru the RI Attorney General’s Office with proof of ID & are good for one year.    


ARTICLE WRITERS – need people that want to originate, coordinate, write and submit articles

to Artie for local papers.   Need to develop a formula to get them published in the newspapers.  Need a Timeline to get things in to each possible resource.  Publicity photo’s should be done as early as possible.

Back Stage Scoop goes to Foster Home Journal every month.  Valley Breeze only seems interested when it is a youth production.  What is the ‘in’ to get published.  We know the article has to be copy ready or they won’t edit/print it.  Blackstone River Theater gets published every month & we don’t.  Observer has 4 possible options; call & suggest they do an article themselves, write our own article, pay for an advertisement, or put it in their calendar.  Bob & Andy will try & set up a meeting with the Observer.

A-FRAME SIGN PAINTERS – Only 2 Sandwich Boards left as one got run over on Rte 94.  Need to get them out at least 2 weeks before each show.  Carol Goulet offered to do this for all events.

BANNER RAISERS – Need to meet & find a new location as we are no longer able to hang them in the same spot due to the new Stoplight at the Jct of Rte 6 & 94.  Need to meet with the State or other appropriate agency.  Cassi & Russ will talk to the right people.


SMCT PAMPHLETS – Does anyone want to take on this project to have them available at every event?  The current one needs to be updated as it has become obsolete.  Done on Apple.  Set up so it can be printed or emailed fairly easily.  Add directions to our possible theater sites for events (school, fire station, country club)?  Or just to Website & list the website on the pamphlet?  Will be easier when we have our own theatre.

Andy A. volunteers.


YOUTUBE POSSIBILITIES – Can’t do snippets if we have to pay for the rights, but something like Dracula should be OK because Chris wrote our version.  Possible youth committee project.  Zach & Jake F. volunteer, but may need another to help.


Chris B-J asked for & was approved to contact other theaters & try & set up a local theater network of shared info./resources.

Steve C. asked for & was approved to contact Trinity Rep. about mentoring Youth-related projects.  RIC has a music theater program & might send a rep.


            Dracula (October/November), Tech Meeting – Sep 28,  Production Meeting – Oct 25

Need volunteers for concessions & tickets & just helping in general. 

Promote at schools as a safe place to come on Halloween.  Need parking attendants/Police.  Cost is $200 {minimum of 4 hours @ $50/hour}.  Would get them for 7 – 11 PM.  mms     Carol will do this.

Performances start Oct. 30th

Carolers (November/December),  – October 2 was the first rehearsal.  Meet on Sat.’s from 9:15 to 11 AM.  Kim Brayton is volunteering as our vocal coach.  Would like a pianist to accompany us.

Get Merry (December 10-12) – Orientation Meeting – Sep 28 @ the Dubois home.  Rehearsals planned for Tues/Thurs.

Murder Mystery (Jan or Feb),  Date suggested was the last weekend in Jan 2011.  Same show with a diff ending.  Events committee will pick an actual date for this & for Follies, too.

Footloose (April/May 2011) – Instead of West Side Story or Superstar, both of which are unavailable – Producer, Audition Panel needed.  Kim B. for vocal director.  Need to see if Annette is available as choreographer.

Water Commission Watershed Day – Volunteers needed.  The commission wants something about Forests this year.


Due to high cost of production rights.  Adults $12 & Children $6



Try asking for donations during Dracula.  We were going to try during Olivia, but then we were told we didn’t have to pay the Building fee, so we didn’t, only then we were told we did have to pay $270 over 3 days of shows.  Ron Cervasio donated $150.

EDUCATION LEADERSHIP – We have some current needs (Clayville) and many potential needs at this time.  Lots of interest in classes, but no one currently able to coordinate this.  Could be a good fund-raising activity for SMCT.  We have a good curriculum.  Interested;  Laurie, Chris, possibly Pat Inman, AnaCapri, Amy 


SOUND NEEDS – We have the opportunity to upgrade our sound situation.  There are proposals upon which

we need to vote for a list of priorities.

Steve C. – The way our speakers are set up causes feedback & hanging mic’s get hit.  Immediate need for Traditional speakers on stands (apprx. $1800).  Potential use as a portable PA system.  May work with 2 mics.  Look into PCC or PZM “zone mics” @ $200 each (need 3-4).  Steve will get pricing on stand, speakers, bags, etc. to help this happen.  mms.   Headphones were expensive, but they have been very helpful.  Is it worth it to rent (ATR Treehouse) or just purchase.  Must know that anything ‘technical’ we buy now, will be useful in a new building.

LIGHT NEEDS – Lighting Tree

We keep borrowing & eventually need to buy our own.  Will need them for mobility.

SITE SEARCH – Looking at 6 and 94, Nursing Home on Chopmist Hill, Water Conservation Collaberation

Russ needs to check his schedule to set a date for a site committee meeting.  Usually finds out on Thurs or Friday what the next week will look like.




FALL 2010                                           DRACULA

HOLIDAY 2010                                  MEDIEVAL SOLSTICE REVEL

WINTER DINNER 2011                   WEDDING MURDER MYSTERY ??????

SPRING 2011                                      FOOTLOOSE

SUMMER DINNER 2011                 ?????? (OR MURDER MYSTERY)


FALL DINNER 2011                          ??????

FALL 2011                                           A CHRISTMAS STORY


WINTER DINNER 2012                   ??????

SPRING 2012                                      ANNIE

SUMMER DINNER 2012                 WEDDING MURDER MYSTERY ??????


FALL DINNER 2012                          ??????

FALL 2012                                           CASABLANCA

HOLIDAY 2012                                  MEDIEVAL SOLSTICE REVEL

                WINTER DINNER 2013                   ??????? 

SPRING 2013                                      ???????

SUMMER DINNER 2013                 WEDDING MURDER MYSTERY???????

SUM CHILDREN’S 2013                 ??????

FALL DINNER 2013                          ??????

FALL 2013                                           ??????


DIRECTOR’S CALL (People interested in Directing should be ready to share their Vision of the play they want

to direct which should include size of cast; general set, costumes, tech; anything special)

Accepting proposals for:

 The Wild Adventures of Mr, Toad (Summer 2011)

Brian Wolf-Jensen’s proposal was accepted & he must now find an adult Mentor & work on finding a Producer/production team.


            Annie (Spring 2012)

                        Cassi Ducharme’s proposal was accepted.  Jake Farnum will work with her.

            Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Summer 2012)

                        Zach Farnum will direct with assistance from Tyler Vigent & Bob Hollis.


            Casablanca (Fall 2012)

                        Chris Brostrup-Jensen will direct

PRODUCTION PROPOSALS –  People interested in proposing a play should be able to share a brief

description and any reasons why it would be good to do this play at this time.

                                    SPRING, SUMMER, FALL 2013

Italian Wedding Murder Mystery – Bob Hollis,        Winter Solstice – Liz Dubois????

Forever Plaid – Paul Bouffard                                    Golden Idol – Merilyn Wilbur

Doctor Horrible’s Sing-along Blog                             Jesus Christ Superstar

            Romeo and Juliet                                                        Repeat – Folktown (recurring production?)

            Suesical the Musical                                                    Cheaper By The Dozen

Black and White                                                         The King and I

            The Man Who Came to Dinner                                   Repeat – Best Christmas Pageant Ever

            The Wonder of Charley Anne                                               Lost In Yonkers

            Little Shop of Horrors                                                            The Crucible

            Fame                                                                           Rumours

            Topper                                                                         War of the Worlds

            Robber Bridegroom                                                    Mark Twain

            Bob’s 3 Dog Night Musical                                        Kim Fusco’s book

            Music Man

Laurie Murphy will schedule a Creative meeting to discuss plays & time frames.


            Officers Meeting –OCTOBER 16, DECEMBER 4, APRIL, AUGUST


SMCT Committee Meeting –  JANUARY 22, MARCH, SEPTEMBER

Annual Meeting – JUNE 13