Mark Twain’s classic tale of childhood on the Mississippi comes to life this summer in Swamp Meadow’s Summer Children’s Theatre production of Tom Sawyer, based on the book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
- Director: Andy Affleck
- Assistant Director: Nikki Boss
- Assistant Director: Devlin Cook-Hines
- Assistant Director: Maddy Cook-Hines
- Assistant Director: Leah Fiddler
- Assistant Director: Maia Grandy
- Assistant Director: Connor Holden
- Assistant Director: Bob Hollis
- Assistant Director: Shane Inman
- Producer: Laura Giorgianni
- Stage Manager: Izzi Giorgianni
- Costumes: Kelly Slader
- Technical Director: Dennis Chretien
- Assistant Technical Director & Sound Tech: Shane Inman
Here is our wonderful and talented cast!
- TOM SAWYER: Morgan Benson
- HUCK FINN: Alysha Agrela
- BECKY THATCHER: Caroline Parente
- AUNT POLLY: Alexis Agrela
- SID: Jessica Lamoureux
- COUSIN MARY: Shannon Simoneau
- BEN ROGERS: Emma Broomfield
- AMY LAWRENCE:Chloe Anderson
- MISS DOBBINS: Rachel Arruda
- MUFF POTTER: Marceline Affleck
- HANNIBAL JOE: Declan McDonough
- CLYDE: Jillian Ormerod
- DOC ROBINSON: Jillian Ormerod
- JOE HARPER: Kristin Briggs
- ALFRED TEMPLE: Chris Gamage
- PREACHER: Mary-Helen McDonald
- MRS. HARPER: Molly Rush
- TOMMY BARNES: James Anderson
- SAMUEL RICE: Genevieve Bradley
- JOHNNY MILLER: Rachael Roberts
- CLARA RICE: Ava Morin
- SALLY ROGERS: Allison Hall
- SUSY HARPER: Bella Stratton
Rehearsals are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-9PM starting on June 16th at Woody Lowden until Thursday, August 4PM after which time we move to Captain Isaac Paine School (Google Maps Link). Rehearsals at the school will be 6-9PM (possibly 9:30 if needed) Thursday August 6, Monday August 10, and Tuesday August 11.
- Wednesday, August 12, 12:30pm
- Thursday, August 13, 7pm
- Friday, August 14, 7pm
- Saturday, August 15, 7pm
- Sunday, August 16, 2pm